People with a Passion for Membership
The Business of Membership grew from a seed of an idea fed by a frustration in not finding a single place or community for membership professionals — people with a passion for membership that are nurturing and cultivating a membership program like a well-tended garden. This site also strives to bridge the gap between the many types of membership programs like associations, societies, religious organizations like churches, golf/country clubs, gyms/fitness centers, chambers of commerce, membership sites, and other types of clubs and organizations that maintain membership programs and find
value in asking people and businesses to join and belong. By bringing all of these membership worlds together, visitors can share best practices and information, improve the effectiveness of their membership programs, drive the membership concept forward, and raise awareness of the importance of the role of a membership professional.
If your organization has membership at the core of its business model, then membership is your business and The Business of Membership is here to help you grow.
Experience and Expertise
Success measured by results. Send us a brief rundown of where you are and where you want to go with your membership program.
Frequently asked questions
What’s in it for me?
As membership professionals we hear this question from our members every single day (in one way or another.) We don’t often get to ask it for our own sake. At the BoM you have a ton of membership information and resources at your fingertips. It’s compiled and curated to make it easy for you to find solutions to the issues and challenges you face daily when building a membership program.
Why is the BoM a better source than my industry provider?
What industries does the BoM focus on?
Who is part of the BoM?
How can I get more involved and participate in the BoM?
Connection and belonging are the objectives of any membership-based organization. The BoM strives to build a bridge between the many organizations relying on a membership business model.
The Worlds of Membership
Whether you’re an association or society, chamber of commerce, gym or fitness center, religious organization, golf or country club, retail enterprise, charitable organization, aquarium, zoo, or museum, or an online membership site the BoM is a valuable source of practical knowledge for you. Fundamentally we all have membership at our core.
The BoM is combining all of these worlds. We’re all in it together as a community of membership professionals working towards similar goals. Working as one to bring the information, practice, and resources together to better the membership concept and profession.
To Grow
The BoM is a place to grow membership programs, to grow professionally, to grow your network, and to grow personally. Your primary goal as a membership professional is growth.
Membership Development
Membership Marketing
Membership Recruitment
Member Retention
Member Onboarding
Membership Renewal
Membership Value Proposition
Membership Dues
Our Founder is the brainchild of
Dan Ratner,
Membership Strategist
with nearly 25 years of experience working as a membership professional.
His youthful spirit and passion for the concept of membership drives him to explore new and creative methods of membership growth. He’s held executive level positions at both individual membership organizations and trade associations. Under his leadership, every membership program has achieved record growth. This was done through innovation and a persistent focus on improving the membership experience, the value proposition, member engagement, and providing relevant offerings to serve the needs of members.